a picture of the earth on a wall

How much does hosting cost?

Rewarding experiences always cost some extra time and effort, and the same is true for welcoming a student into your home for an extended time. But financially, your cost is minimal. Host families receive a stipend of $650 per month per student to offset the extra expense of providing food (2 meals on school days, 3 on weekends/holidays), shelter (a room or bed with study space) and transportation. Keep in mind that students have their own spending money and health insurance.

woman in white shirt holding black chopsticks
woman in white shirt holding black chopsticks

Hosting 101

What's the application process?

After you send us your name and contact information, you'll receive and email link to set up your own access to complete an application detailing information about your household, family members, lifestyle, and the accommodations you can offer the student. All household members 18 and older will undergo criminal background checks to ensure a safe environment for the student.

person using laptop computer
person using laptop computer

Assuming my application is accepted, what's next?

An SMG representative will schedule a visit to your home to meet your family, discuss the hosting experience, and inspect the living spaces, including the student's bedroom and common areas. Another visit will include orientation and training covering topics like cultural exchange, student integration, and support resources. You'll have the opportunity to review the student's background and communicate with them before finalizing the placement.

woman writing on paper on table near lapop
woman writing on paper on table near lapop

Who can host a student?

Just about anyone with an open heart! Host families come in all shapes and sizes—working parents, couples without kids, single parents, empty nesters, adoptive families, and more. The most important thing is a willingness to welcome a student into your home and provide a safe, caring and supportive home environment. You don't have to live within the district of the school the student will attend, but close enough for a commute.

women and man talking outside the building
women and man talking outside the building

What are the benefits?

Hosting an exchange student an incredible opportunity to bring a fresh perspective into your home. Having someone from another country stay with you can be a game-changer for your entire family. Your kids get a firsthand look at another culture, you gain a deeper appreciation for your own, and your home becomes a place where international friendships are born.

women forming heart gestures during daytime
women forming heart gestures during daytime

What support is available along the way?

You won't be going it alone! A dedicated SMG representative will check in with the student in your home monthly to see how their experience is going, to ensure their compliance with rules, and 24/7 emergency support line if it's ever needed.

Ready to take the first step?